2 min read

Chapter Features

Chapter Features
Introducing the auxiliary features that the Chapter theme brings: Index Page, Outline, Editor Snippets and more.

Chapter theme brings about a set of special features which are aimed at bringing everything together nicely and form a compelling UX.

Index Page

The Index Page can be customised in a variety of ways. It has the following main segments:

  • Featured last page
  • Sidebar with:
    • Blog details
    • Subscription CTA
    • Featured Posts
    • Tags
    • Recommended Blogs
  • More Issues with all latest posts with pagination, all of which can be customised to either show or hide the Feature image

Navigate to the Index Page details to learn more.

Post Outline

Outline provides an intuitive way to navigate long-form content that is interactive, responsive and collapsible, easing the navigation across lengthy or complex pages.

You can read more about Post Outline here.

Editor Snippets

Whilst Ghost's Editor is rather powerful, to my linking it's missing a few important blocks that would really make it shine.

The ability to easily insert HTML, however, means that it's rather easy to add that functionality. This theme comes with a two-column layout and a rich toggle, which combined make it much easier to write involved and compact content.

Navigate over to Editor Snippets page to find out more.

Other Features

Other Quality of Life features include:

  • Setting "Previous & Next" navigation contextually to previous and next Chapter Items, instead of the default {{prev}} and {{next}} provided by Ghost
  • Ability to copy from code blocks in one click
  • Post preview showing number of comments

Get full details on the Other Features you can use.

Settings for this Post

To help you with your Chapters journey I have attached this post's settings below so you could troubleshoot your configuration.