2 min read

Customisation Options

Customisation Options
Everything about customisation options available: things from the Dawn theme as well as a little extra of my own.

Chapters Theme introduces a number of customisation options, as well as exposes the ones from the Dawn theme that it is based off of.

The Navigation Layout is controlled via Settings -> Design -> Site wide, the Navigation layout setting.

It has three options:

  • Logo on the left
  • Logo in the middle
  • Stacked

Play around and see which one you like most and which works best for your content and branding!

Dark Mode

The theme further supports the Dark Mode (Inverted colours mode), controlled via Settings -> Design -> Site wide, the Color scheme setting.

It has three options:

  • Auto, which uses CSS to determine which theme the user's device is requesting (usually default device-wide setting)
  • Light
  • Dark

This setting also includes an ability to provide an alternative logo for dark mode:


Lastly, it's possible to easily toggle whether Chapter's and Ghost's attribution appears in the bottom-right. I know that I'd turn it off for my site and wanted to make it easily accessible via Settings -> Design -> Site wide, the. Show attribution setting.

Do note that Ghost Chapter © 2024 is not attribution - it's simply the name of the website and copyright.

Settings for this Post

To help you with your Chapters journey I have attached this post's settings below so you could troubleshoot your configuration.