

This page provides a description of available licenses for this theme's use. Currently, there are two license types available:

Single Use License

  • Generally allows the Theme to be installed on one Ghost Instance, be that self-hosted or Pro, for yourself or one client
  • Allows modification
  • Prohibits reselling, redistribution and sublicensing

Multi-use License

  • Allows multiple, up to Unlimited, installations and Instances.
  • Allows modification
  • Prohibits reselling, redistribution and sublicensing

DevGuild Limited Single Use License Agreement

This software is licensed under the DevGuild Limited Single Use License Agreement.

A "Ghost instance" refers to a single installation of the Ghost software as available at Each Ghost instance is a separate website with its own content, themes, users, and settings.


  1. Grant of License: DevGuild Limited grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to make use of the Theme you have purchased.

  2. General Terms: You are licensed to use the Theme to apply it to a Ghost instance for yourself or for one client (a “single application”), and the End Product can be distributed for Free.

  3. You can:

    1. Apply the Theme to one Ghost instance for a client, transfer the ownership of the instance to the client, charge them for your services. The license is then transferred to the client.
    2. Modify the Theme or combine the Theme with other works to make a derivative one. The result is subject to this license. This clause applies to extracting single components from the Theme and using it in derivative works as well.
  4. You cannot:

    1. Sell the Theme except to one client, installing it on a single Ghost instance.
    2. Distribute or sublicense the Theme’s source, even if the Theme is modified.
    3. Apply the Theme to more than one Ghost instance without purchasing additional licenses.
    4. Use the Theme in any application allowing an End User to customize the Theme, like “build it yourself” or “theme generators”.
  5. Inclusions: If a Theme contains code, images, or content sourced from elsewhere under a different license, that item retains its original license. The license for the code, images, or content will be noted by the Theme author. You are responsible for adhering to the original license or clearing it with the author of the code, image, or content.

  6. Termination: This license will terminate automatically if you violate any of these terms.

This software includes components that are derived from two other MIT licensed works. Those components retain their original license.

Purchase Requirement

The Theme must be obtained directly from DevGuild Limited or an authorized distributor. Use of the Theme without proper acquisition, including but not limited to obtaining the Theme through unauthorized means, payment evasion, or circumvention of any paywalls or access controls, is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of this license agreement. Any use of the Theme must be in accordance with the terms of the purchase or other arrangement made with DevGuild Limited.

License to DevGuild Limited

Mike Neverov, the original author and copyright holder of the Theme, hereby grants DevGuild Limited a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to distribute, sell, and otherwise use the Theme. This license does not constitute a transfer of copyright, and Mike Neverov retains all rights not explicitly granted in this license.


This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

A concise summary

The license allows you to use the Theme on one Ghost instance, either for yourself or for one client. You are free to modify the Theme as you see fit but you can not distribute, sublicense or re-sell that license except for that one client on one instance. You can find the full text of the license below

DevGuild Limited Multi-use License

This license is intended for people who want to utilise the Theme on more than one instance. Reach out to me at [email protected] to discuss the details of such a license.